• 28,150 Trophies Earned
  • 2,909 Players Tracked
  • 11 Total Trophies
  • 443 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 2,115 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Eat more than half the steaks in a single player game of All You Can Eat!

    96.53% (18.00)
  • Eat all the steaks in a single player game of All You Can Eat!

    82.85% (21.00)
  • Catch all sizes of fish and win a single player game of Ice Fishing.

    78.14% (246.00)
  • Catch more than 340kg of fish in a single player game of Ice Fishing.

    81.85% (21.00)
  • Lap an AI controlled opponent in a single player game of Elastic Racers.

    98.87% (18.00)
  • Win a race without spinning out in a single player game of Elastic Racers.

    81.61% (21.00)
  • Win every round in a single player game of River Crossing.

    91.96% (19.00)
  • Hit 4 stalactites in a row with the highest power smash in a single player game of River Crossing.

    96.36% (18.00)
  • Win a single player game of Hitch A Ride!

    93.67% (19.00)
  • Never fall off and win a single player game of Hitch A Ride!

    84.39% (21.00)
  • Win a standard single player game with the difficulty level set to hard.

    81.47% (21.00)