• 137 Achievements Earned
  • 66 Players Tracked
  • 10 Total Achievements
  • 21,383 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Congratulations, you are now a Filmnet user !

    100.00% (93.00)
  • Congratulations. You have watched over 50 movies or episodes on Filmnet.

    4.55% (2035.00)
  • Congratulations on watching your first Filmnet stream.

    37.88% (244.00)
  • Congratulations. You have searched for over 25 titles on Filmnet !

    10.61% (873.00)
  • Congratulations. You have rated over 10 movies or series on Filmnet. You are now a Filmnet Critic !

    1.52% (6090.00)
  • Congratulations. You have added over 50 movies or series to your playlist

    3.03% (3055.00)
  • Congratulations, you've watched over 5 movies or series in one session.

    25.76% (359.00)
  • Congratulations. You have watched over 10 movies or episodes on Filmnet.

    18.18% (509.00)
  • Congratulations. You have rated over 50 movies or series on Filmnet. You are now a Filmnet Scholar!

    1.52% (6090.00)
  • Congratulations. You have watched over 100 movies or episodes on Filmnet.

    4.55% (2035.00)