
Xbox One App
Xbox One
  • 427,392 Achievements Earned
  • 121,139 Players Tracked
  • 10 Total Achievements
  • 6,799 Obtainable EXP
  • 5,066 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Watched 1 hour of live video on Twitch.

    99.02% (15.00)
  • Watched 10 hours of live video on Twitch.

    48.93% (303.00)
  • Watched 100 hours of live video on Twitch.

    13.91% (1064.00)
  • Watched 1 hour of live video on Twitch channels that have less than 10 viewers.

    68.23% (217.00)
  • Watched 10 hours of live video on Twitch channels that have less than 10 viewers.

    25.50% (581.00)
  • Watched a broadcast on Twitch that has more than 100K concurrents.

    31.22% (474.00)
  • Watched a single channel on Twitch for more than 8 hours consecutively.

    9.47% (1563.00)
  • Watched 5 hours of live video on Twitch between the hours of 12am and 4am.

    20.67% (716.00)
  • Watched a minute of live video on Twitch, in every hour of the day.

    11.84% (1250.00)
  • Watched 10 hours of live video on Twitch between the hours of 7:00pm and 11:00pm, on a weekday.

    24.03% (616.00)