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  • 40 Players Tracked
  • 69 Total Achievements
  • 16,046 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club

Year 0 of the new calendar of Delasphos.The War of Souls begins and ends on the same day. They say history is written by the victors.So what happens when both sides lose? This War left the entire Mother Realm devastated, and those who fought in it, perished instantly. Those studying the Astral Planes have gathered only bits and pieces of what happened that fateful day.A beam of searing light, of pure energy, was fired into M' Or, the Heart of the Realm. And then, Chaos. You see, M' Or is the very reason the afterlife functions as it does. A being of highly concentrated and pure Soul Energy, it powers Aeth, the Soul Stream which leads the dead to their respective planets, and it keeps those planets anchored closely so that it may act as an energy source for them. When it was shot, it started leaking at an incredible rate.Nearby planets detonated due to the overflow , planets far away withered and died, unable to sustain their souls. That is when the human Arch,Sorceress,to,be, Nimelle Dios, stepped up far beyond the call of her duty.

2.50% Ultra Rare - 241.00 EXP

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