• 125 Achievements Earned
  • 40 Players Tracked
  • 69 Total Achievements
  • 16,046 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club

The Vois' very existence is now linked to Nimelle, and they revere her for it. Their connection, intensified through the Soul Energy they absorb from her, allow them to peer into the sorceress' dreams, her Visions. Among all the Realities they saw, certain places kept coming up; a Graveyard, a Village, a Clearence. Using their little hands, they started building miniatures of those places.Toying with materials, scale and technique, they managed to create a result which made Nimelle happy. For a while. What's the point of these places without people in them? So one day, Nimelle had a brilliant idea ; why not have the Vois craft little bodies, and use her powers to implant Wandering Souls into them, reincarnating them so they can fight in the little places the Vois had created.Many believe this is disrespectful to the order of Aeth, Soul Stream, yet no one dares say it. Instead, the Factions offer her little Power Gems and Weapons, and the Federations train her proven.. warriors in their Fighting Style, turning them to full,fledged battle souls, despite their size. That's a sure,fire way for them to earn Her favor, and keep Her happy at the same time.

2.50% Ultra Rare - 241.00 EXP

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