• 125 Achievements Earned
  • 40 Players Tracked
  • 69 Total Achievements
  • 16,046 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club

Of all the five Factions, the Resistance has the only claim on Delasphos's land, history and resources that can be considered 'objective' ; they were here first. The Faction is made up of the remainder of Delasphos's original population, Humans and Gnomes mixed with a few Half,Orcs and Half,Elves ; either the seed of rape, or of unwavering romance, flowering despite its odds. The people are ruled by a single Monarch, advised by his small council and the guild masters. Though systematically close to Tyranny, the Monarchy of the Resistance is built on Trust and necessity for quick decisions. Amyra, the current leader, was the second in command during the Resistance's battle to preserve what territorry it could. Relentless yet kind, she played a key role in establishing the Clover treaty during the second negotiations, despite what had happened during the first, and insisted on an open,doors policy towards those who seeked to join the Resistance, despite their Tribe. This openness has led to a flourishing of Trade, Science, Arts and, since nothing creative runs on an empty stomach, the Guilds make a habbit of paying well for Delasphos's best chefs, making the capital of the Resistance a foodie's paradise.

2.50% Ultra Rare - 241.00 EXP

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