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  • 40 Players Tracked
  • 69 Total Achievements
  • 16,046 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club

For three decades most Orcs and Dwarves were under the influence of the Dark Voice.Then, the voices suddenly stopped ; the Elders had sacrificed themselves to free them of the Dark One's influence. The Tribesmen felt..lost.All their life they had relied on their Elders for guidance, and ever since they came to Delasphos, the Voice had directed them on what to do. That's when those who claimed they could still hear the Voice started appearing, and Cults were born. These Cults are known for blind obedience to their Leader, whom they revere, since she, or he, are their only link to the Voice, which is a shared affinity between the different Cults.Even though, each leader interprets the Voice differently, they all claim it grants them demonic powers. There are many Cults, especially in the small villages spread on the footholds of the Laughing Peak.Some have a handful of people led by someone who was charismatic enough to convince them he hears voices, without having any demonic powers. Others can be large enough to spread throughout the northern slopes of the Cihr Mountains and might even have sworn cultists within the major cities. But as we approach the capital, there is only one cult; the cult of Tharizdun. Leading this cult is Morthos, a powerful orc sorcerer with demonic body parts resembling the great old one his cult reveres. Although he doesn't treat his people harshly, no one dares question his ruling. Those who aren't fond of the status quo of the Devil's Seeds' capital tend to leave, which has turned Ord Vuzdur into the cult's headquarters.

2.50% Ultra Rare - 241.00 EXP

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