• 241 Achievements Earned
  • 60 Players Tracked
  • 14 Total Achievements
  • 20,266 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Complete your first day on the job.

    90.00% (133.00)
  • Reach player level 5.

    28.33% (421.00)
  • Reach player level 10.

    1.67% (7142.00)
  • Complete a full day (without buying off or skipping any tasks) by assigning hired workers to vehicles.

    23.33% (511.00)
  • Complete a full day (without buying off or skipping any tasks) where you perform all tasks yourself without assigning any workers.

    30.00% (398.00)
  • Drive every vehicle in the game yourself to complete an assigned task.

    5.00% (2385.00)
  • Complete a task with a worker who you explicitly hired.

    55.00% (217.00)
  • Complete a task with a rented vehicle.

    93.33% (128.00)
  • Complete a task with a vehicle you bought.

    40.00% (298.00)
  • Successfully complete a day where you manage the maximum number of flights.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Earn enough so that your total money is 200,000.

    20.00% (596.00)
  • Earn enough so that your total money is 500,000.

    13.33% (895.00)
  • Fully upgrade an employee's skills.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Fully upgrade a vehicle.

    1.67% (7142.00)