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  • 9 Total Achievements
  • 0 Obtainable EXP
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Store Description

Roll Camera: Julius Brown's Time-Traveling Adventure with a sarcastic Fridge Begins!

Julius is desperately searching for his big break, and he's set his sights on a golden opportunity - the Californian Film-maker of the Year competition, where budding screenwriters submit their scripts to be judged by a famous Director.

Entering isn't as straightforward as expected, and Julius needs all his wits about him to overcome puzzles, time travel, and heavy sarcasm to complete his quest.

Point and Click

All Fridges are Psychotic uses classic point-and-click mechanics in a modern setting.

Created in Scotland by Flag Hippo

Designed and Written by the Indie gaming outfit Flag Hippo, with fantastic artwork by Manda Rin of Bis.