• 4,782 Achievements Earned
  • 433 Players Tracked
  • 22 Total Achievements
  • 3,860 Obtainable EXP
  • 71 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You've been given a human heart! Unfortunately...

    19.40% (390.00)
  • Entered the airport known as Beachwell.

    83.37% (4.00)
  • Entered the airport known as Patsville.

    27.71% (273.00)
  • Entered the airport known as Elf Planet.

    32.10% (236.00)
  • Entered the airport known as Uranus. *snrrk*

    24.94% (304.00)
  • Entered the airport known as Phobos.

    23.09% (328.00)
  • Entered the airport known as the Marinara Trench.

    37.18% (204.00)
  • Received a dark, spherical gift, for free.

    62.36% (121.00)
  • Found out that dogs don't care about the concept of human currency. Hooray!

    76.91% (98.00)
  • You received a spray can from a cat.

    24.02% (315.00)
  • You started playing. Thank you for supporting our weird dog airport game!

    99.54% (3.00)
  • Pet characters 5 times in a single session.

    70.21% (108.00)
  • Pet characters 25 times in a single session.

    60.97% (124.00)
  • Pet characters 50 times in a single session.

    54.97% (138.00)
  • Pet characters 100 times in a single session.

    47.11% (161.00)
  • Pet characters 250 times in a single session.

    39.26% (193.00)
  • Pet characters 704 times in a single session.

    33.26% (228.00)
  • Managed to catch a flight for the first time after getting knocked-out by a 7-foot tall husky. Good for you!

    83.14% (4.00)
  • Met Chad Shakespeare for the first time. The pleasure is yours.

    46.88% (162.00)
  • Met David Bonie for the first time.

    47.11% (161.00)
  • Opened your Pupperdex - for the first time of many!

    73.44% (103.00)
  • You've broken the laws of physics and figured out a handy way to get yourself out of horrible mishaps! Teleporting is rad!

    37.41% (202.00)