• 1,510 Achievements Earned
  • 186 Players Tracked
  • 9 Total Achievements
  • 52 Obtainable EXP
  • 160 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Learn the secret of Ayumu's bloodline.

    99.46% (5.00)
  • Elysia shares her angelic technique with Ayumu as a bid to become his bride.

    94.62% (5.00)
  • The princess of hell makes a compelling case for why Ayumu should marry her.

    90.32% (6.00)
  • All of Hilda's combat training might not come in handy during a CQC encounter with Ayumu.

    89.25% (6.00)
  • A potential rival's arrival!

    89.25% (6.00)
  • Hilda and Ayumu spend some quality time together before their life as parents begins.

    88.17% (6.00)
  • Ayumu and Elysia take a bath. That's it. I swear.

    87.10% (6.00)
  • Rizabel is tired of waiting for Ayumu to spend time with her and turns the tables on him.

    87.10% (6.00)
  • A wholesome ending to the story of an Angel, Devil, and Elf falling in love.

    86.56% (6.00)