• 39 Achievements Earned
  • 15 Players Tracked
  • 5 Total Achievements
  • 8,665 Obtainable EXP
  • 16,500 Points (XP)
  • 1 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Accessed the AutoShortcut FAQ. Always best to go to through it before asking questions at the Google+ Tasker Plugins by joaomgcd community.

    60.00% (676.00)
  • Check the logs. Logs are great to let know you know what is going in the background when you use Tasker actions and conditions.

    73.33% (553.00)
  • You've gotten a cool achievement, right? Now share it, so you can let everybody know just how awesome you are at automating stuff! Do this by touching an unlocked achievement in the achievement list. Yes, this list right here!

    60.00% (676.00)
  • Launched a shortcut in Tasker using the "AutoShortcut" Action in Tasker. This will allow you to launch shortcuts that you would normally launch on your Launcher's home screen.

    60.00% (676.00)
  • Edited the Shortcut Intent String and used a Tasker variable in it, so that the shortcut is used in a dynamic way. For example, you could use a "Translate" shortcut in AutoShortcut to translate from english to spanish. You can then edit the shortcut intent string and replace "en" by the variable %fromlanguage and "es" by the variable %tolanguage and so you can translate from any language to any other language with just one shortcut

    6.67% (6084.00)