• 1,890 Achievements Earned
  • 463 Players Tracked
  • 24 Total Achievements
  • 10,815 Obtainable EXP
  • 19 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Find everything there is to see and do in Arni Forest.

    9.29% (559.00)
  • Find everything there is to see and do at Shepard Lake.

    5.18% (1003.00)
  • Find everything there is to see and do in ye Salty Rum Lagoon

    4.75% (1094.00)
  • Find everything there is to see and do in the enigmatic Calypso Mountains.

    4.75% (1094.00)
  • Find everything there is to see and do in the mysterious Ancient Caves.

    7.56% (687.00)
  • Find everything there is to see and do in the spooktacular Spooky Woods.

    11.45% (454.00)
  • Four interesting butterflies are hidden, can you find them?

    9.94% (523.00)
  • Can you find and defeat the fabled creature?

    11.02% (471.00)
  • Discover the spirit that looks over the forest.

    15.12% (344.00)
  • Can you reach the tippy top in the Calypso Mountains?

    18.14% (286.00)
  • There are some clothes scattered around, best collect them.

    17.28% (301.00)
  • Self explainatory.

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Max your stats! Are you bear enough?!

    12.10% (429.00)
  • Collect some valves to fix a machine.

    19.44% (267.00)
  • 13.39% (388.00)
  • There's something in the caves that doesn't belong.

    22.25% (233.00)
  • Discover each of the different regions.

    20.95% (248.00)
  • Can you figure out the cave door?

    14.69% (354.00)
  • Essences of darkness have found their way to the surface. Collect them for some reason.

    14.69% (354.00)
  • You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a spooky skeleton.

    16.85% (308.00)
  • What backer stuff?!

    14.04% (370.00)
  • Why would you do this.

    17.71% (293.00)
  • 13.39% (388.00)
  • Find some animal friends.

    14.25% (365.00)