• 29,496 Achievements Earned
  • 4,425 Players Tracked
  • 9 Total Achievements
  • 1,744 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,800 100% Club
Earned Date
  • 10 kills

    99.28% (22.00)
  • 25 kills

    85.97% (26.00)
  • 50 kills

    73.40% (270.00)
  • Сomplete the task - "Teddy bear"

    85.29% (26.00)
  • Сomplete the task - "First aid kit"

    80.05% (28.00)
  • Сomplete the task - "Cookies"

    72.52% (273.00)
  • Сomplete the task - "Transistor"

    65.51% (303.00)
  • Сomplete the task - "Microchip"

    63.73% (311.00)
  • Finish the game

    40.84% (485.00)