• 3,260 Achievements Earned
  • 435 Players Tracked
  • 19 Total Achievements
  • 6,940 Obtainable EXP
  • 33 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You have successfully put a satellite in orbit!

    100.00% (5.00)
  • You have successfully sent a probe to the Moon!

    81.84% (6.00)
  • You have successfully sent a probe to Mars!

    57.70% (150.00)
  • You have successfully sent a probe to Saturn!

    24.83% (349.00)
  • Two of your spacecraft have successfully docked in space!

    48.51% (179.00)
  • You have completed an extended mission in space.

    58.85% (147.00)
  • You have successfully sent a man into space!

    77.24% (112.00)
  • One small step for [a] man, but still a big achievement.

    49.89% (174.00)
  • Two of your spacecraft have successfully rendezvoused in space.

    53.56% (162.00)
  • You have completed a successful Extra-Vehicular Activity in space!

    58.39% (148.00)
  • You have successfully led the GSA and conducted a manned lunar mission before the end of the decade.

    9.20% (942.00)
  • You have successfully led the GSA and conducted a manned lunar mission before 1973.

    10.57% (820.00)
  • You have successfully led the GSA and conducted a manned lunar mission before 1975.

    12.64% (686.00)
  • You have successfully led NASA and conducted the first manned lunar mission before the end of the decade.

    13.33% (650.00)
  • You have successfully led NASA and conducted the first manned lunar mission before 1973.

    19.31% (449.00)
  • You have successfully led NASA and conducted the first manned lunar mission before 1975.

    22.99% (377.00)
  • You have successfully led the Soviet space agency and conducted the first manned lunar mission before the end of the decade.

    13.33% (650.00)
  • You have successfully led the Soviet space agency and conducted the first manned lunar mission before 1973.

    17.47% (496.00)
  • You have successfully led the Soviet space agency and conducted the first manned lunar mission before 1975.

    19.77% (438.00)