Won a competition in ludi or games
Champion of Ludi Romani
Champion of Ludi Plebeii
Champion of Saturnalia
Champion of Equirria
Champion of Ludi Megalenses
Champion of Ludi Piscatorii
Champion of Taurian Games
Champion of Ludi Apollinares
Excel in every Ludi with the same character
Completed an apprenticeship
Completed education in a Ludus
Completed education under a Grammaticus
Completed education under a Rhetor
Completed education under a Philosopher
Start with 7 or higher job renown level
Reach the highest job renown level
Arrange a marriage for someone in your household
Be elected a consul of the Roman Republic
Be elected a consul of the Roman Republic at the youngest possible age by 42
Be elected Military Tribune
Be elected Quaestor
Be elected to the Vigintisexviri
Be elected Aedile
Be elected Praetor
Be elected Censor
Be elected Plebeian Tribune
Have 5 people in your household
Have 20 people in your household
Remain unmarried and without children until the age of 49
Have a grand child
Have a great grand child
Have a great great grand child
Have a great great great grand child
Fall into Debt Bondage
Get freedom from debt bondage
Go from being in debt bondage to joining the senatorial class
Earn more than 150 dēnāriī per month
Earn more than 1000 dēnāriī per month
Earn more than 10K dēnāriī per month