• 651 Achievements Earned
  • 363 Players Tracked
  • 10 Total Achievements
  • 12,319 Obtainable EXP
  • 14 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Loui the Bag flies over the Big Ben with a cup of tea. So long, England! A new airport awaits him!

    21.76% (393.00)
  • Say goodbye to Liberty Island! Loui continues his trip. Will the next airport be his final destination?

    7.44% (1150.00)
  • A relaxing trip with coffee from Madrid! Loui the Bag now heads to… where? Discover it in Crazy Belts!

    6.06% (1412.00)
  • Even the kangaroos can`t stop Loui the Bag in his mission: to arrive safe at home. How many other adventures are in the horizon?

    5.23% (1636.00)
  • Loui the Bag always wanted to visit the Great Wall of China. Wish granted! But now it’s time to go back home…

    3.86% (2217.00)
  • Need more challenges? Let’s take a trip to the moon! Go to Infinite Mode in Crazy Belts!

    99.72% (86.00)
  • Congratulations, you've achieved all the wallpapers in Crazy Belts! Now you have your travel album complete!

    4.13% (2072.00)
  • Loui open a misterious chest... Wow, new accesories! Keep playing Crazy Belts and unlock more sets!

    12.12% (706.00)
  • Congratulations, you've achieved all the accesories in Crazy Belts! Now Loui is the coolest bag in the world!

    4.13% (2072.00)
  • You have your first wallpaper in Crazy Belts! Do you want more? Keep travelling around the world!

    14.88% (575.00)