• 7,862 Achievements Earned
  • 945 Players Tracked
  • 44 Total Achievements
  • 19,408 Obtainable EXP
  • 17 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You played as male.

    90.05% (31.00)
  • You talked about sex and your relationship. (Male playthrough)

    36.40% (77.00)
  • Your partner was more inclined to break up while talking about your instincts. (Male playthrough)

    4.34% (646.00)
  • Your partner was more inclined to make love while talking about your instincts. (Male playthrough)

    18.94% (148.00)
  • You talked about some of your memories together. (Male playthrough)

    25.93% (108.00)
  • For your partner the present is not pleasant as the past. (Male playthrough)

    4.66% (602.00)
  • Your partner thought about leaving together. (Male playthrough)

    13.44% (209.00)
  • Your partner told you honestly what she thinks about your situation. (Male playthrough)

    45.61% (62.00)
  • Your partner was more inclined to break up while speaking her mind. (Male playthrough)

    3.70% (758.00)
  • Your partner was more inclined to break up while speaking her mind. (Male playthrough)

    24.97% (112.00)
  • You talked about you and your peers. (Male playthrough)

    36.40% (77.00)
  • Your partner was more inclined to break up while talking about your peers. (Male playthrough)

    4.66% (602.00)
  • Your partner was more inclined to make love while talking about your peers. (Male playthrough)

    1.80% (1558.00)
  • You talked about your mutual opinions on love. (Male playthrough)

    45.82% (61.00)
  • Your partner thinks that you're the one. (Male playthrough)

    29.84% (94.00)
  • Your partner is in love with you only because you have a couple of things in common. (Male playthrough)

    5.29% (530.00)
  • You forced your partner to break up with you. (Male playthrough)

    2.75% (1020.00)
  • You asked to break up. (Male playthrough)

    2.43% (1154.00)
  • Female mantis hidden endings. (Male playthrough)

    2.22% (1264.00)
  • After a long conversation you broke up. (Male playthrough)

    13.44% (209.00)
  • You made love as male.

    41.48% (68.00)
  • You decided do not take a decision. (Male playthrough)

    17.14% (164.00)
  • You played as female.

    57.67% (49.00)
  • You talked about how would it feel to be of another species. (Female playthrough)

    20.74% (135.00)
  • Your partner was more inclined to make love while talking about being of another species (Female playthrough)

    1.80% (1558.00)
  • You talked about memories and plans for the future. (Female playthrough)

    19.15% (146.00)
  • Your partner thought you were naive in the past. (Female playthrough)

    3.28% (855.00)
  • Your partner desired you while talking about memories. (Female playthrough)

    15.98% (176.00)
  • You talked about love and death. (Female playthrough)

    34.60% (81.00)
  • Your partner thinks that his death would be a gift. (Female playthrough)

    6.88% (408.00)
  • Your partner wants to be with you rather than die. (Female playthrough)

    17.78% (158.00)
  • You talked about mutually understand each other. (Female playthrough)

    28.57% (98.00)
  • Your partner thinks that you don't understand each other. (Female playthrough)

    5.82% (482.00)
  • Your partner trusts you, but he's afraid. (Female playthrough)

    14.71% (191.00)
  • Your partner told you honestly what he thinks about your situation. (Female playthrough)

    35.77% (78.00)
  • Your partner thinks he's worthless. (Female playthrough)

    5.50% (510.00)
  • Your partner confessed that he's attracted to you. (Female playthrough)

    27.94% (100.00)
  • You forced your partner to break up with you. (Female playthrough)

    2.12% (1323.00)
  • You asked to break up. (Female playthrough)

    2.43% (1154.00)
  • Male mantis hidden endings. (Female playthrough)

    2.12% (1323.00)
  • After a long conversation you broke up. (Female playthrough)

    8.47% (331.00)
  • You made love as female.

    19.15% (146.00)
  • You decided do not take a decision. (Female playthrough)

    23.70% (118.00)
  • Your partner was more inclined to break up while talking about being of another species (Female playthrough)

    6.46% (434.00)