• 114 Achievements Earned
  • 114 Players Tracked
  • 1 Total Achievements
  • 50 Obtainable EXP
  • 114 100% Club

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Store Description

Create your character, choose your class on the fly and pick your gear as you fight through multiple ranks in the arena. Explore a beautiful moonlit town filled with charming NPCs and hidden secrets. Purchase items, weapons, armor and hire over 30 party members to assist you in combat. Play several mini-games such as Black Jack and Rock Paper Scissors. Explore other areas as you unlock secrets such as pictures in the picture gallery and hidden chests as well as certain events. Climb your way to the top in the arena by fighting monsters that rise in difficulty as you prove to all of Estellium that you are the greatest legend that has ever lived.


-Atmospheric Soundtrack.
-Over 40 characters to level to level 30 with multiple classes to switch to.
-6 characters in battle.
-Hidden secrets to unlock and explore.
-Several mini-games, some that may even prove lucrative.
-Share skills between classes, learn a skill once and keep it forever between some of the classes on your character.

Story Mode:

Description one:

Aserel, a young outcast of the Ouma clan seeks redemption by trying to kill the God of Rage after a freak accident he may have caused that killed those close to him.
Shunned and thrown out by his own people, Aserel must travel on his own to the Tower of Rage to defeat Goldea; The God of Rage. He must try and accomplish his goal all the while being hated as well as being hunted by the Knights of The Round and other various threats.

Description two:

In Estellium long ago, a nameless legend stood against the darkness in the sacred arena and became the champion the world needed. Through their struggles,
they paved the way for future generations to enjoy peace and prosperity. Monsters were eradicated from the world forever and tranquility was instilled across the land. This lasted for about 100 years until Goldea, the God of Rage came forth.

In a moment of his mighty anger, he swiftly summoned ferocious beasts upon the land. They began killing anything in their path. The land was as it had been almost a 100 years ago. The God of Rage had issued this Edict; "If any among you in this world is strong enough. Come destroy me, if you have the power, you can reclaim your world."

With those words leaving his angry lips. Adventurers from all over set forth towards the God of Rage who sits atop the Tower of Burning Rage. Many have tried taking the God of Rage on, but all have perished. Who, if anyone can stop him? A young man named Aserel hopes to become the answer to that burning question. Only time will tell.