• 7,172 Trophies Earned
  • 1,961 Players Tracked
  • 30 Total Trophies
  • 10,902 Obtainable EXP
  • 870 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 89 100% Club
Earned Date

Everybody Dance™ Digital 1 song downloaded DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Upload a video or snapshot highlight to the community gallery (you must own at least 1 song to unlock this trophy)

    8.16% (328.00)
  • Achieve a 70 move streak in any routine (excludes Creator Routines, you must own at least 1 song to unlock this trophy)

    9.84% (272.00)
  • Perform a normal length song in dance workout mode (you must own at least 1 song to unlock this trophy)

    13.62% (196.00)
  • Create a full "normal" length dance routine (you must own at least 1 song to unlock this trophy)

    8.06% (332.00)
  • Get a 5 star rating on any professional, normal length song (you must own at least 1 song to unlock this trophy)

    6.02% (444.00)
  • Play a normal length song late at night (you must own at least 1 song to unlock this trophy)

    9.79% (273.00)

Everybody Dance™ Digital 5 songs downloaded DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Get a 5-star rating on 5 beginner, normal length routines (you must own at least 5 songs to unlock this trophy)

    5.61% (477.00)
  • Get a 5-star rating on 5 intermediate, normal length songs (you must own at least 5 songs to unlock this trophy)

    5.30% (505.00)
  • Get a 5-star rating on 5 professional, normal length songs (you must own at least 5 songs to unlock this trophy)

    4.95% (540.00)
  • Get a 5-star rating on 5 dance partners songs, normal length routines (you must own at least 5 songs to unlock this trophy)

    4.69% (570.00)
  • Get at least a 'cool singing' rating in 5 performances (you must own at least 5 songs to unlock this trophy)

    5.92% (452.00)
  • Reach the Cal target in every song of a random professional+ workout (you must own at least 5 songs to unlock this trophy)

    5.10% (524.00)

Everybody Dance™ Digital 10 songs downloaded DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Get a 5-star rating on 10 beginner, normal length songs (you must own at least 10 songs to unlock this trophy)

    5.05% (530.00)
  • Get a 5-star rating on 10 intermediate, normal length songs (you must own at least 10 songs to unlock this trophy)

    4.74% (564.00)
  • Get a 5-star rating on 10 Professional, normal length routines (you must own at least 10 songs to unlock this trophy)

    4.74% (564.00)
  • Play 10 full length songs using random workout (you must own at least 10 songs to unlock this trophy)

    5.05% (530.00)
  • Play a different song in each round for 10 rounds of a party (you must own at least 10 songs to unlock this trophy)

    4.84% (553.00)