Earned 5 million for first time
Earned 100 million for first time
Earned 100 Billion for first time
Form a team of 2 members
Form a team of 4 members
Form a team of 6 members
Became best in the industry
Achieve a top 10 rank
Achieve a top 100 rank
Achieve a top 1000 rank
Received Letters From Fans
Create 10 small games
Create 10 medium games
Create 7 large games
Create 5 AAA games
Unlock every genre, theme, features, viewpoint, artstyle, device, gamesize and marketing option in the game
Unlock all devices in the game
Unlock all genre and theme in the game
Achieve 10 rating once
Achieve 10 rating five times
Unlock 4th office in the game