• 27 Achievements Earned
  • 7 Players Tracked
  • 10 Total Achievements
  • 4,987 Obtainable EXP
  • 100,000 Points (XP)
  • 0 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Griblers returned the Crystal of Eternity to the Tree. The battle for the return of the motherland has begun!

    85.71% (19.00)
  • Instead of cowardly hiding behind the walls of the Hardwood, the griblers cheated and tamed the dangerous scorpion during his first attack.

    14.29% (1024.00)
  • Rusty persuaded the Bookworm to return the Crystal of Eternity. Admired by the courage of a small gribler, the Worm gave him his own fur coat - a gift from Winterella.

    42.86% (341.00)
  • Griblers defeated the Moony, the most dangerous of spiders and a favorite of Winterella.

    85.71% (19.00)
  • In the struggle for the revival of the Tree of Wisdom, the griblers died more than 30 times, but the power of the Tree brought them back to life again and again.

    57.14% (256.00)
  • Griblers, though small in stature, but extremely brave and dangerous. In their difficult struggle, they killed more than 50 enemies.

    57.14% (256.00)
  • Griblers showed wonders of resourcefulness and restored all the main buildings in the Hardwood. Bravo!

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Griblers found and researched all the quest areas in the Ewerwoods. Very inquisitive folk.

    14.29% (1024.00)
  • Griblers did not despair after Winterella's attack, but could bring back as many as 20 sectors to life.

    14.29% (1024.00)
  • The griblers were not frightened of Moony, they outwitted the Bookworm, drove away the stumps, gave a kick to the vile Winterella and returned the Hardwood to their domain. Be glorious, Rusty! Hooray, Squashy! Glory to you, Croxy! Beauty, Gordy! Good work, Sofulus :-)

    14.29% (1024.00)