• 791 Trophies Earned
  • 84 Players Tracked
  • 14 Total Trophies
  • 2,345 Obtainable EXP
  • 300 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 24 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You got sucked into a white hole. What just happened? You wake up to find tears streaming down your cheeks and a small ball at your side.

    32.14% (383.00)
  • You were crushed by the machine press. Was there something there at the time? Or maybe you were lacking something? Even now you can't quite figure it out.

    45.24% (272.00)
  • You ventured into the world outside. Welcome to the Headbutt Factory.

    97.62% (9.00)
  • You changed a ball for the first time. Transform! Type A!

    78.57% (157.00)
  • You won your first rally. I won't lose next time. Until we meet again!

    61.90% (199.00)
  • You protected the headbots from the zombies. Rest in Peace Zombies.

    48.81% (252.00)
  • Knocked down 50 headbots. You're going to pay if you keep that up!

    58.33% (211.00)
  • Destroyed 100 breakable objects (headbots and contraptions excluded). With such an impulse for destruction...you'll destroy the world.

    88.10% (10.00)
  • Sent a ball flying way far away. Out of the park home run!

    95.24% (9.00)
  • Blasted an incoming ball with another ball. Get outa here! And stay out of my line of fire!

    63.10% (195.00)
  • Took down a zombie with a bomb. Explosions are an art form.

    59.52% (207.00)
  • Shot down one of those fish-like birds. Nice Hunting!

    54.76% (225.00)
  • Staved off the zombies without taking damage. Not a single scratch on you.

    59.52% (207.00)
  • You found a shining headbot for the first time. Thank you for finding me. I will be your support.

    98.81% (9.00)