• 28 Achievements Earned
  • 4 Players Tracked
  • 7 Total Achievements
  • 49 Obtainable EXP
  • 4 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Without using winged mode or touching the floating platforms immediately before it, reach the graveyard in level 1.

    100.00% (7.00)
  • Without using winged mode, reach the large tree with teal lights in level 2.

    100.00% (7.00)
  • Without using winged mode, jump on the top of every desk in level 3.

    100.00% (7.00)
  • Without using winged mode, jump off of each picture frame in level 6.

    100.00% (7.00)
  • Have a picnic with a shadow monster.

    100.00% (7.00)
  • Without using winged mode, complete level 7 without dying, pressing E, or stopping before the vignette.

    100.00% (7.00)
  • Without using winged mode, successfully complete the kickball base run without touching the plates (excluding homeplates) in level 4.

    100.00% (7.00)