• 828 Achievements Earned
  • 166 Players Tracked
  • 15 Total Achievements
  • 7,029 Obtainable EXP
  • 15 100% Club

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Store Description

Survive an ever-moving cosmic obstacle course by deftly teleporting between nodes on the "jump-grid". Success requires only a few seconds of precision finger ballet, but touch any of the pulsing hazards and the level instantly resets without penalty, ready for you to try again, and again, and again... This is a game about honing your muscle memory until you learn to dance with your fingers!

  • Skin-of-your-teeth gameplay with easy to learn controls
  • 100 uniquely challenging levels plus speedrun and infinite modes
  • An original pulse-pounding electronica soundtrack
  • Adjustable game speed and option to reduce flashing

WARNING: this game contains flashing lights