• 41 Achievements Earned
  • 32 Players Tracked
  • 7 Total Achievements
  • 14,006 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Gather 50 gems in a so called procedural game mode.

    3.13% (2928.00)
  • Gather 25 gems in less than 5 seconds in the procedural mode

    3.13% (2928.00)
  • Create a tomb of 25 gems in a procedural level

    6.25% (1466.00)
  • Finish a procedural level without dying once

    3.13% (2928.00)
  • Finish a vertical level without dying once

    96.88% (95.00)
  • Finish the game and take your baby back from the Octopus

    3.13% (2928.00)
  • Find a way to play with one of your friend.

    12.50% (733.00)