• 8,857 Achievements Earned
  • 725 Players Tracked
  • 21 Total Achievements
  • 4,424 Obtainable EXP
  • 103 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Climb down the well with at least one piece of bad rope material.

    93.10% (6.00)
  • Create a successful rope with only one material.

    68.41% (165.00)
  • Create a successful rope with only two materials.

    66.07% (171.00)
  • Create a successful rope with only three materials.

    65.52% (172.00)
  • Create a successful rope with only four materials.

    65.52% (172.00)
  • Create a successful rope with only five materials.

    64.55% (175.00)
  • Create a successful rope with only six materials.

    64.14% (176.00)
  • Create a successful rope with only seven materials

    62.07% (182.00)
  • Create a successful rope with eight materials.

    61.24% (184.00)
  • Create a successful rope with nine materials.

    60.14% (188.00)
  • Create a successful rope with ten materials and make it to the bottom of the well.

    64.83% (174.00)
  • Get help and achieve the true ending.

    56.83% (199.00)
  • Call a phone number Lily shouldn't know.

    52.55% (215.00)
  • Ma

    Remember her.

    49.52% (228.00)
  • Find the painting.

    49.10% (230.00)
  • Kill Freddy Fungus in his sleep. Monster.

    55.72% (203.00)
  • Return to Papa after he had already killed Lily once before.

    45.93% (246.00)
  • Be unlucky enough to get run over by a car.

    67.17% (168.00)
  • Learn the consequences of feeding unknown wild animals.

    45.38% (249.00)
  • Create a rope made only made of all the bad rope materials.

    47.31% (239.00)
  • They say that drowning is being surrounded by liquid heaven.

    16.55% (682.00)