• 67 Achievements Earned
  • 26 Players Tracked
  • 10 Total Achievements
  • 12,341 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Find the hidden stash of two coins.

    57.69% (254.00)
  • Defeat the Wayward Queen!

    11.54% (1268.00)
  • Break down the wall to find the hidden treasure!

    84.62% (173.00)
  • Jump off the cliff and use your pick-spin to reach the other side!

    11.54% (1268.00)
  • Find the hidden dog memorial.

    19.23% (761.00)
  • Defeat the Wayward Adolescent!

    38.46% (380.00)
  • Collect every treasure!

    11.54% (1268.00)
  • Amass your wealth and get through the entire game with only coins and no treasure!

    3.85% (3799.00)
  • Find the secret chamber with the watchful gazer staring at you.

    11.54% (1268.00)
  • Spend thousands of coins to max out your health.

    7.69% (1902.00)