Completed Break Into Metroplex Zero Adventure
You managed to die during the tutorial adventure
Completed Organized Harvestors Adventure
You died during Organized Harvestors Adventure. You are human after all.
Completed Anti-Robot Sentiments Adventure
Spent time studying your heroes and foes
Assembled an all-girl squad
You bought everything in stock at the VR Skill Shop
Dealt exactly 42 Damage
Unlocked all the base heroes
Win an Adventure on Casual Difficulty
Win an Adventure on Veteran Difficulty
Win an Adventure on Illegal Technology Difficulty
Win an Adventure on Promotions Difficulty
Win an Adventure on Oppression Difficulty
Win an Adventure on In A Dystopia Difficulty
Win an Adventure with Alexei
Win an Adventure with Lyssa
Win an Adventure with Yvette
Win an Adventure with FL13
Win an Adventure with Dominik
Win an Adventure with Miyara
Win an Adventure with Victoria
Win an Adventure with Veda
Win an Adventure with Nevyn
Lyssa Conquers The Dystopia
Yvette Conquers The Dystopia
FL13 Conquers The Dystopia
Dominik Conquers The Dystopia
Miyara Conquers The Dystopia
Alexei Conquers The Dystopia
Victoria Conquers The Dystopia
Veda Conquers The Dystopia
Nevyn Conquers The Dystopia
Completed Solo - Hero Corp Run
Completed Duo - Partners Corp Run
Completed Trio - Squad Corp Run
Killed a foe with 200+ HP in one hit
Defeated all foes on the first turn!
Cycle 10+ Cards in a Turn. I heard you like drawing cards!
Ended Turn with 60+ Shields on 1 Hero. Just try to hurt me!
Played 5+ Non-Quick Cards in a turn. Whoever plays more cards wins!
Ended Turn with 32+ Resources. I hope you have a plan to spend them
Get All Other Achievements
Bought an Epic Card. Now you can't lose!
Killed multiple foes simultaneously
Healed an injury at a MetroCorp Clinic
You prevailed with one conscious hero!
You skipped a cutscene. More gameplay, less talk!
100% Game Progress. Wow!
Game progress at 50%. You're pretty good at this!
Anti-Robot Sentiments Ending - Enslaved The Mimics
Anti-Robot Sentiments Ending - Allied with the Mimics
Anti-Robot Sentiments Ending - Terminated The Mimics
Anti-Robot Sentiments Ending - Exiled the Mimics
Organized Harvestor Ending - Activated Virus
Organized Harvestor Ending - Let Anton Live
Organized Harvestor Ending - Killed Anton