• 7,230 Trophies Earned
  • 571 Players Tracked
  • 13 Total Trophies
  • 52 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 544 Platinum Club
  • 543 100% Club

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Store Description

His famous father is aging. His mother is dying. And his big sister is on the moon. So it is up to Avery «Aphid» Cavor to stop the villainous Lady Bug from wrecking the town of Victoria with her horde of monsters! Mighty Aphid by Cascadia Games — instant 2D classics filled with easter eggs, quotes and references from the popular platforming games of the past!

You’ll have to run, shoot, swim, and fly. You’ll need to explore huge levels and fight big bosses. You’ll be able to earn upgrades to finally defeat Lady Bug. Relive the early days of 2D platform gaming with this modern action-adventure game.