• 1,248 Trophies Earned
  • 121 Players Tracked
  • 28 Total Trophies
  • 7,490 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 10 Platinum Club
  • 10 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Beat the game.

    8.26% (859.00)
  • Congrats. You beat the shit out of 20 people. How does that feel?

    34.71% (205.00)
  • You let 20 drunk customers in. Do you really know what you're doing?

    58.68% (121.00)
  • You've carded 100 customers. Maybe you belong in Arstotzka.

    100.00% (3.00)
  • You tried to reason with 100 customers. Do you believe in flower power?

    9.09% (781.00)
  • You've kicked out 100 assholes... And counting.

    28.10% (253.00)
  • You've taken 20 bribes. Have you ever considered a career in politics?

    23.14% (307.00)
  • You've made yourself several max capacity bonuses. Seems like the job suits you.

    50.41% (141.00)
  • You've managed to let 500 people in the club. Keep up the good work!

    22.31% (318.00)
  • You've let 100 potential customers leave the line... And this is your reward!

    87.60% (3.00)
  • There have been 20 brawls in your line. You better start showing who's boss.

    64.46% (110.00)
  • You've had to deal with 20 cocky customers. They just never learn...

    29.75% (239.00)
  • I thought you were a tough guy... But you've gotten your ass kicked 10 times.

    14.05% (505.00)
  • You managed to calm down 20 customers, but don't let that get to your head.

    25.62% (277.00)
  • Negotiating is not your strong suit. People have told you to eat shit 20 times.

    21.49% (330.00)
  • You took the "chat" a bit too far with the snitch.

    34.71% (205.00)
  • You managed to make the snitch confess... But is that what you wanted?

    23.14% (307.00)
  • Liz is still alive thanks to you. Now... Go and get her!

    38.84% (183.00)
  • You accused an innocent man. I suppose you're proud...

    33.88% (210.00)
  • Thanks for being honest. No one deserves to go to jail for something they didn't do.

    40.50% (175.00)
  • Wait a minute... Did Vinnie tell you to give that letter to your parole officer?

    38.02% (187.00)
  • Once every blue moon can't be that bad, but don't get used to letting minors in.

    57.02% (125.00)
  • Did you really have to listen to that monster?

    52.89% (134.00)
  • You helped Howard, for old time's sake. Don't get used to it.

    42.98% (165.00)
  • I'm afraid you couldn't have done it any worse...

    23.14% (307.00)
  • Well... At least you tried.

    19.01% (373.00)
  • Is this what you really wanted? Keep trying.

    15.70% (452.00)
  • Good work always pays off. Have fun!

    33.06% (215.00)