• 4,757 Trophies Earned
  • 420 Players Tracked
  • 33 Total Trophies
  • 4,450 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 69 Platinum Club
  • 69 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect All Trophies

    16.43% (247.00)
  • Save project data created in a new project

    92.86% (44.00)
  • Play 1 game (self or user-created)

    71.43% (57.00)
  • Place a total of 1,000 map tiles

    43.33% (94.00)
  • Place a total of 10,000 map tiles

    22.86% (178.00)
  • Place a total of 20 events

    49.29% (82.00)
  • Place a total of 100 events

    34.29% (119.00)
  • Create a total of 20 characters using the character generator

    36.19% (112.00)
  • Create a total of 50 characters using the character generator

    30.00% (135.00)
  • Create a total of 100 characters using the character generator

    27.14% (150.00)
  • Create a total of 2 maps

    64.76% (63.00)
  • Create a total of 10 maps

    39.05% (104.00)
  • Create a total of 50 maps

    26.43% (154.00)
  • Configure a total of 20 enemies

    33.57% (121.00)
  • Configure a total of 50 enemies

    30.24% (134.00)
  • Configure a total of 100 enemies

    29.05% (140.00)
  • Achieve 10 hours of total play time

    40.24% (101.00)
  • Achieve 50 hours of total play time

    23.81% (171.00)
  • Configured a total of 20 weapons

    30.71% (132.00)
  • Configured a total of 100 weapons

    28.33% (143.00)
  • Configured a total of 20 armors

    30.71% (132.00)
  • Configured a total of 100 armors

    28.10% (145.00)
  • Configured a total of 10 classes

    33.57% (121.00)
  • Configured a total of 50 classes

    28.10% (145.00)
  • Configured a total of 10 skills

    36.19% (112.00)
  • Configured a total of 100 skills

    28.57% (142.00)
  • Configured a total of 10 items

    35.24% (115.00)
  • Configured a total of 100 items

    28.33% (143.00)
  • Place a total of 50,000 map tiles

    17.14% (237.00)
  • Configured a total of 100 map transfers

    23.81% (171.00)
  • Changed colors 100 times (enemies, map tiles)

    25.95% (157.00)
  • Change the BGM 50 times (including battle BGM, vehicle BGM)

    25.24% (161.00)
  • Place a total of 1,000 events

    21.67% (188.00)