• 1,777 Trophies Earned
  • 131 Players Tracked
  • 33 Total Trophies
  • 4,372 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 22 Platinum Club
  • 22 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect All Trophies

    16.79% (294.00)
  • Play All Tutorials

    25.95% (190.00)
  • Play 1 game (self or user-created)

    91.60% (54.00)
  • Place a total of 1,000 map tiles

    46.56% (106.00)
  • Place a total of 10,000 map tiles

    26.72% (185.00)
  • Place a total of 20 events

    54.20% (91.00)
  • Place a total of 100 events

    45.04% (110.00)
  • Create a total of 20 characters using the character generator

    45.80% (108.00)
  • Create a total of 50 characters using the character generator

    39.69% (124.00)
  • Create a total of 100 characters using the character generator

    36.64% (135.00)
  • Create a total of 2 maps

    65.65% (75.00)
  • Create a total of 10 maps

    48.09% (103.00)
  • Create a total of 50 maps

    34.35% (144.00)
  • Configure a total of 20 enemies

    43.51% (114.00)
  • Configure a total of 50 enemies

    39.69% (124.00)
  • Configure a total of 100 enemies

    38.17% (129.00)
  • Achieve 10 hours of total play time

    49.62% (100.00)
  • Achieve 50 hours of total play time

    36.64% (135.00)
  • Configured a total of 20 weapons

    45.04% (110.00)
  • Configured a total of 100 weapons

    38.93% (127.00)
  • Configured a total of 20 armors

    44.27% (112.00)
  • Configured a total of 100 armors

    38.93% (127.00)
  • Configured a total of 10 classes

    46.56% (106.00)
  • Configured a total of 50 classes

    36.64% (135.00)
  • Configured a total of 10 skills

    49.62% (100.00)
  • Configured a total of 100 skills

    39.69% (124.00)
  • Configured a total of 10 items

    45.80% (108.00)
  • Configured a total of 100 items

    40.46% (122.00)
  • Place a total of 50,000 map tiles

    20.61% (240.00)
  • Configured a total of 100 map transfers

    30.53% (162.00)
  • Changed colors 100 times (enemies, map tiles)

    33.59% (147.00)
  • Change the BGM 50 times (including battle BGM, vehicle BGM)

    35.11% (141.00)
  • Place a total of 1,000 events

    25.95% (190.00)