• 44 Achievements Earned
  • 13 Players Tracked
  • 6 Total Achievements
  • 1,887 Obtainable EXP
  • 5 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Light up all the torches in the cave.

    84.62% (35.00)
  • Music is an art, but it's easier to work with great instruments. If only the hidden music instruments could be found. Then it would be a simple task to impress the crowds.

    46.15% (386.00)
  • Stay undercover as long as possible. Do not revel yourself in the first level of the temple.

    46.15% (386.00)
  • Get a perfect score in the music contest.

    38.46% (463.00)
  • Make sure we are ready for everything. We should train to be strong enough, so we may defend what is precious to us.

    76.92% (231.00)
  • Prove that you are a true RPG completionist by solving all the secondary quests before fighting the final boss of the prequel.

    46.15% (386.00)