• 142 Achievements Earned
  • 66 Players Tracked
  • 6 Total Achievements
  • 21,383 Obtainable EXP
  • 1 100% Club
Earned Date
  • :-)

    get humans

    100.00% (167.00)
  • find all block types

    18.18% (916.00)
  • have humans eat from berry bushes

    4.55% (3660.00)
  • have humans fed, living in oxygen, near iron, so they create a factory

    87.88% (189.00)
  • have humans gather enough iron to build a rocket and fly away to space!

    3.03% (5496.00)
  • loop twice (have humans fly away to space twice in one game)

    1.52% (10955.00)