• 5,953 Achievements Earned
  • 492 Players Tracked
  • 31 Total Achievements
  • 8,460 Obtainable EXP
  • 15 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Kill 4 gamblers in a game.

    35.16% (183.00)
  • As a Devil, lose a game with all 5 cardholders having been sealed.

    56.71% (114.00)
  • As a Gambler, win a game alive.

    83.54% (77.00)
  • Win a game by sealing 5 cardholders in the death status.

    47.36% (136.00)
  • Play a game in the Train Station and achieve at least 15,000 score.

    61.18% (105.00)
  • Play a game in the Palace and achieve at least 15,000 score.

    56.71% (114.00)
  • Play a game in the Hakka Tulou and achieve at least 15,000 score.

    58.13% (111.00)
  • Win a game with all Gamblers alive.

    73.78% (87.00)
  • As a Gambler, win a game with only you alive.

    18.29% (353.00)
  • Destroy objects(windows and doors) for a total of 100 times.

    11.59% (556.00)
  • As a Devil, kill at least 2 Gamblers in a game for a total of 50 times.

    7.52% (857.00)
  • As a Gambler, play games and achieve at least 15,000 score for a total of 50 times.

    11.59% (556.00)
  • As a Gmabler, win games alive for a total of 20 times.

    23.37% (276.00)
  • Kill a total of 100 Gamblers.

    9.96% (647.00)
  • Use Stealth Charm for a total of 50 times.

    8.33% (774.00)
  • Use a Teleporter.

    59.15% (109.00)
  • Use a Ginseng Pill to heal your wound.

    59.15% (109.00)
  • As a Devil, capture a Gambler by using a bear trap.

    27.64% (233.00)
  • Use a Auras Radar.

    39.02% (165.00)
  • Stun a Gambler by using a Soul Bell.

    44.92% (144.00)
  • Raise a character level to 20.

    22.76% (283.00)
  • Heal a seriously wounded Gambler.

    76.83% (84.00)
  • Succesfully heal Gamblers for a total of 10 times.

    46.14% (140.00)
  • Obtain a total of 100K stakes(outside matches).

    33.54% (192.00)
  • As a Gambler, win a game alive with the score less than 10,000.

    28.86% (223.00)
  • As a Gambler, win a game without losing a single drop of blood.

    61.38% (105.00)
  • As a Devil, lose a game without killing any Gambler.

    46.14% (140.00)
  • In a public match, hit the Gamblers 3 times by using the Corpse's special ability.

    22.36% (288.00)
  • In a public match, hit the Gamblers 3 times by using the Prince's special ability.

    30.69% (210.00)
  • In a public match, hit the Gamblers 3 times by using the Bride's special ability.

    6.91% (933.00)
  • In a public match, use a Devil's special ability for a total of 10 times.

    41.26% (156.00)