• 247 Achievements Earned
  • 60 Players Tracked
  • 12 Total Achievements
  • 3,494 Obtainable EXP
  • 13 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Fly to Earth, to save the crew and the shuttle

    23.33% (367.00)
  • Fly to Earth, to save the shuttle, but lose Dunmer.

    26.67% (321.00)
  • Fly to Earth, to save the shuttle, but Jackie in losing.

    23.33% (367.00)
  • Fly to Earth, to save the shuttle, but Dunmer and Jackie in losing.

    25.00% (342.00)
  • Fly to Earth, to save the shuttle, but lose the whole team.

    23.33% (367.00)
  • Fly to the Earth, but to lose the shuttle and Dunmer

    53.33% (161.00)
  • Fly to Earth, but the shuttle and Jackie in losing

    30.00% (285.00)
  • Fly to the Earth, but to lose a shuttle Dunmer and Jackie in

    25.00% (342.00)
  • Fly to Earth, but losing the shuttle and the entire team

    80.00% (107.00)
  • Fly to Earth and save the team, but losing shuttle

    33.33% (257.00)
  • Beat the game never allowing the team member to panic

    46.67% (183.00)
  • Perform all endings.

    21.67% (395.00)