• 117 Achievements Earned
  • 15 Players Tracked
  • 32 Total Achievements
  • 8,669 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club
Earned Date
  • How surprising that the entire Unity Fleet couldn't find the Transition, yet this lowly pirate could.

    46.67% (106.00)
  • If I hadn't seen this with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it.

    20.00% (247.00)
  • My eyes! Rather than searching for the Transition, they're wallowing in debauchery.

    33.33% (148.00)
  • It seems this Verdan lost his mind.

    13.33% (371.00)
  • They're just shadows of the past. They can't stop us.

    33.33% (148.00)
  • Ugh, I've never dreamed such nonsense. I need to stop drinking so much coffee.

    20.00% (247.00)
  • Perhaps my dreams are warped, turned to rainbow madness, by the intense radiation? It's been known to affect the brain.

    13.33% (371.00)
  • The height of terror is seeing, feeling everything, but being unable to do a damn thing to change it.

    13.33% (371.00)
  • Nope. That's too much wisdom. I'll go eat.

    26.67% (185.00)
  • How lucky these great people are to have such an ordinary life, with such banal trifles.

    6.67% (741.00)
  • I guess I'm out of questions.

    26.67% (185.00)
  • The plot is interesting, but the language is poor.

    93.33% (2.00)
  • I've hidden nothing from my crew, but I guess I've kept secrets from myself.

    13.33% (371.00)
  • I'd take nightmares over this insomnia any day.

    26.67% (185.00)
  • Now I can control my fears. I am responsible for my fate.

    26.67% (185.00)
  • Vicky is such a tease! Would she really have left this here accidentally?

    93.33% (2.00)
  • Vicky finally opened up about her past secrets. Can the Captain ever forgive her?

    20.00% (247.00)
  • Mariko's no ordinary person. Why is she so determined to keep her place on the ship?

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Can old wounds really hurt this badly? Sometimes it's best to leave the past in the past.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • I don't mind when a lady takes the initiative, but not like this!

    6.67% (741.00)
  • Hey! Look who caught you, nasty little witch!

    6.67% (741.00)
  • I guess I am a hero, saving a damsel in distress! Who would I be if I refused such a grateful gesture.

    20.00% (247.00)
  • What can I do when a lady hangs an answer in the air like this? Follow her lead I guess!

    13.33% (371.00)
  • I drank that poison again, but as usual I have no regrets.

    20.00% (247.00)
  • The Captain had everything but his own name. Now it's uncovered, why hasn't it brought him any happiness?

    13.33% (371.00)
  • Return a name to an old friend - what could be better?

    26.67% (185.00)
  • Chief Engineer doesn't seem to care about anything, but when he heard his name, there was a sudden light in his eyes.

    26.67% (185.00)
  • A Military career is a heavy burden, full of horrors.

    33.33% (148.00)
  • It's time to add another star to your uniform.

    20.00% (247.00)
  • Time for a promotion!

    6.67% (741.00)
  • Now I'm both a Senior Officer, and a diplomat.

    26.67% (185.00)
  • It's not the rank that matters, but what you do with it.

    33.33% (148.00)