Revealed yourself and began a new adventure.
Defeated Lycant
Defeated Gahn
Completed 100 in-game days.
Completed all main story sidequests.
Finished 5 consecutive battles with no damage
Visited all known areas
Had a shocking experience 50 times.
Visited the network.
Equip an Anima in all available slots.
Defeated a group of slimes in the Forest, in all 4 day phases, without leaving the Forest.
Discover all slimes.
Hacked your way in 7 times.
Found a strange new world
Found the Isaac anima
Found the Jasper anima
Found the Torstein anima
Found the Fyre anima
Found and equipped the Isaac, Jasper, Torstein, and Fyre animas and wore them into battle
Completed the entire game on Jaded difficulty
Completed the entire game on either Classic or Jaded with no hero being knocked down at the end of a battle.
Completely upgrade Johan's gun skills
Achieve Level 52
Discover the four secrets of the orange egg.
Play all of JazzMan's tracks on the jukebox.
Evolve your combat skills with a saludist
Obtained Retro Dogero
Train Pyrus 3 times in a row at a Saludist
Fully customize Dogero, Mi'la, Johan and Pyrus
Explore the desert.