• 886 Achievements Earned
  • 199 Players Tracked
  • 5 Total Achievements
  • 472 Obtainable EXP
  • 153 100% Club

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Store Description

The John Q. Public Shakespeare Festival is in full swing, with the cast working on productions of Merchant of Venice and Hamlet. Unknown to everyone, this summer season is set to change the lives of all the main actors forever. That is, depending on how you, the audience, determines in which direction the story goes.

  • Guide either Scott or Molly through a summer of identity crisis: both personal and professional.
  • Your choices in one scene may or may not have a profound effect on your relationships with the seven other cast members.
  • The reviews for your play may change depending on what goes on during the game.
  • 30+ minutes of gameplay each session.

Mature Content: Language, Implied Drug Use