• 278 Achievements Earned
  • 88 Players Tracked
  • 7 Total Achievements
  • 3,192 Obtainable EXP
  • 9 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You found at least 4 of the 8 artifacts in the game.

    53.41% (340.00)
  • You have found love and they are still alive.

    94.32% (28.00)
  • You have begun your journey into the north to avenge a friend's lost love.

    37.50% (485.00)
  • You have begun your journey to the Academy to learn about a friend's dangerous power.

    43.18% (421.00)
  • You have begun your journey into the wilderness to rescue a friend's mother.

    23.86% (762.00)
  • You have begun your journey to Tornassa to help a friend construct an artifact of power.

    35.23% (516.00)
  • You have begun your journey into the wilderness with a friend to slay a vampire.

    28.41% (640.00)