• 13,881 Achievements Earned
  • 2,132 Players Tracked
  • 21 Total Achievements
  • 11,336 Obtainable EXP
  • 78 100% Club
Earned Date
  • The red states triumph! The blue states start hoarding water and supplies for the impending collapse of society.

    32.93% (258.00)
  • The blue states triumph! The red states start hoarding water and supplies for the impending collapse of society.

    47.94% (177.00)
  • Create a custom candidate and show these carpetbaggers how its done.

    71.81% (118.00)
  • Win the election with a custom candidate.

    39.35% (216.00)
  • Upgrade any type of building to their max level.

    62.43% (136.00)
  • Raise awareness in a wealthy state to gather $400,000 at a single fundraiser.

    58.68% (145.00)
  • Attack your opponents stance on in issue, either in a speech or an ad.

    82.93% (5.00)
  • Create over 100 attack ads, securing your place as a true red, white, and blue politician.

    5.77% (1474.00)
  • Win big by taking all the states.

    8.91% (954.00)
  • Win the electoral vote but lose the popular vote.

    14.82% (574.00)
  • Add insult to injury by taking your opponents home state.

    38.23% (222.00)
  • Grasp a presidential victory 5 times.

    11.73% (725.00)
  • Grasp a presidential victory 10 times.

    5.96% (1427.00)
  • Grasp a presidential victory 20 times.

    4.41% (1928.00)
  • Who says a fractured Republican base can't get the job done?

    15.15% (561.00)
  • "Yes we can!" for four more years, then term limits dictate we cannot.

    24.77% (343.00)
  • Chuck Norris, Snoop Dogg, and the rest of America has spoken! Ron Paul 2012!

    13.09% (650.00)
  • Play a game with all map settings randomized.

    32.32% (263.00)
  • Hire one of every type of Political Operative in a single game.

    41.89% (203.00)
  • Start a Multiplayer game.

    23.83% (357.00)
  • Win a multiplayer game.

    14.17% (600.00)