Finish the prologue.
Finish Triratna's chapter.
Finish Taiqing's chapter.
Finish Transia's chapter.
Finish the reunion chapter.
Finish the final chapter.
Find out the To brothers' secret game rules.
Open the drawer of secrets.
Call every single number in the contact book.
Analyze all pills you found.
Bump that box with your head.
Get a perfect chapter review.
Click Like 22+ times during the live streaming show.
Score a total of 20+ rings on the game console.
Hear everything Betnone has to say during the debate break.
Conquer every each karma severance challenge with no more than 3 retries.
Cheat with an additional plate.
Get the missing key on the first try.
This is how I reach into your world and document our friendship.
Fill the Exhibition Room with everything imaginable.
Unlock trophy Sherr Lok.