• 978 Achievements Earned
  • 305 Players Tracked
  • 4 Total Achievements
  • 801 Obtainable EXP
  • 169 100% Club
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  • Finished 1 game online, and you didn't even need any quarters!

    63.93% (371.00)
  • Congrats for winning as Reimu! Y'see, it's a pun on the Remington shotgun but we add "Reimu" to it, also the 890 when read separately in Japanese sounds like Hakurei. It's a reference to a Youtube video by the same name, give it a watch

    93.44% (63.00)
  • Congrats for winning as Marisa! Y'see it's a reference to the M4 carbine rifle but then we sneak in "leet" speak to spell "Magic". Yeah I spent a lot of time on this

    80.00% (296.00)
  • That's what you get for trying to take pot shots while she's stopping time! And yes, this is a Jojo reference

    83.28% (71.00)