• 333 Achievements Earned
  • 54 Players Tracked
  • 7 Total Achievements
  • 49 Obtainable EXP
  • 45 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Complete all the main levels in 4 locations while earning 3 stars in each level.

    98.15% (6.00)
  • Complete all the main levels in 8 locations while earning 3 stars in each level.

    88.89% (7.00)
  • Complete all the main levels in 12 locations while earning 3 stars in each level.

    88.89% (7.00)
  • Complete all the main levels in 16 locations while earning 3 stars in each level.

    87.04% (7.00)
  • Complete all the main levels in all locations while earning 3 stars in each level.

    85.19% (7.00)
  • Complete all 20 bonus levels while earning 3 stars.

    83.33% (8.00)
  • Solve all 20 additional puzzles.

    85.19% (7.00)