• 1,151 Achievements Earned
  • 237 Players Tracked
  • 35 Total Achievements
  • 29,781 Obtainable EXP
  • 2 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Welcone to uncharted world!

    100.00% (26.00)
  • You have die for 100 times but never gave up.

    0.84% (3074.00)
  • Go find it, you have the answer at sea (Exploration reputation reached 3000)

    24.47% (106.00)
  • Knowledge is power (Exploration reputation reaches 15000)

    16.46% (157.00)
  • Seek the truth and become the wise men of the age (Exploration reputation reaches 35,000)

    12.66% (204.00)
  • The enthusiastic you are the most handsome (total investment in all cities: 1000000)

    21.10% (122.00)
  • Upgrade as a cadre (total investment in all cities: 10 million)

    17.72% (146.00)
  • Rich and wayward (total investment in all cities: 100 million)

    13.08% (197.00)
  • Battle reputation reached 20,000

    17.30% (149.00)
  • Battle reputation reached 40,000

    15.61% (165.00)
  • Battle reputation reached 100,000

    13.08% (197.00)
  • Finnished 30 missions0

    19.83% (130.00)
  • Finnished 120 missions

    10.97% (235.00)
  • Finnished 240 missions

    0.84% (3074.00)
  • How strange it is! (in-game reached 1990s)

    16.46% (157.00)
  • Well-off life (gold coin value reached 2000000)

    21.52% (120.00)
  • It ’s nice to have money (the value of gold coins is 200 million)

    11.81% (219.00)
  • Why am I so rich (the value of gold coins reaches 2000000000)

    5.49% (470.00)
  • 9999 lemons are simply not enough

    0.84% (3074.00)
  • Come hit me (durability reaches 400,000)

    12.66% (204.00)
  • This is what called self-knowledge (successive surrender count: 100)

    1.69% (1528.00)
  • Gooo made a pigeon soup (beat GM Ghost Fleet: 1)

    5.91% (437.00)
  • This equipment is really cool (collect Eric suit)

    1.27% (2033.00)
  • One on the left and one on the right (recruiting lieutenants: Elena, Sally)

    8.44% (306.00)
  • He was willing to board my boat, so happy! (With deputy: Newton)

    11.81% (219.00)
  • Come together, I want to hit ten (Favorability less than 70% of all countries)

    0.84% (3074.00)
  • I am the all-rounder in your mouth (number of technologies learned: 41)

    9.28% (278.00)
  • A shot for you and lets you go to the sea to swim with the sharks (firepower: 70,000)

    5.06% (510.00)
  • I have many drawings (Artillery Drawings: 48)

    12.66% (204.00)
  • Are you jealous? (Number of ships: 30)

    4.64% (557.00)
  • Picking persimmons should pick the softer one. Fighting enemy should fight the weaker one. (Wanted amount: 1400)

    14.35% (180.00)
  • Long knife drinking blood of 10 million people (Wanted Price: 4000)

    1.27% (2033.00)
  • Who else? Uh ... I'll ask. (Wanted amount: 5000)

    0.84% (3074.00)
  • After decades of painstaking efforts, he becomes a poor boy.(Gold Coins: 0)

    54.01% (48.00)
  • Unlimited energy (Consume special anti-fatigue agent: )

    0.84% (3074.00)