• 560 Trophies Earned
  • 72 Players Tracked
  • 12 Total Trophies
  • 1,179 Obtainable EXP
  • 525 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 36 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Achieved the "Delusion" ending.

    61.11% (107.00)
  • Achieved the "Auditory Hallucination" ending.

    63.89% (102.00)
  • Achieved the "Amnesia" ending.

    61.11% (107.00)
  • Finish listening to the first level's timeline without fast-forward and rewinding the audio or using the progress bar.

    100.00% (5.00)
  • Finish listening to the second level's timeline without fast-forward and rewinding the audio or using the progress bar.

    75.00% (87.00)
  • Finish listening to the third level's timeline without fast-forward and rewinding the audio or using the progress bar.

    65.28% (100.00)
  • Finish listening to the fourth level's timeline without fast-forward and rewinding the audio or using the progress bar.

    63.89% (102.00)
  • Finish listening to the fifth level's timeline without fast-forward and rewinding the audio or using the progress bar.

    61.11% (107.00)
  • Listened to Emily humming a snatch of a song from end to end.

    59.72% (109.00)
  • Checked each room in the five maps.

    61.11% (107.00)
  • Achieved the "Director" ending.

    52.78% (123.00)
  • Achieved the "NEXT Case" ending.

    52.78% (123.00)