• 44 Achievements Earned
  • 10 Players Tracked
  • 14 Total Achievements
  • 6,536 Obtainable EXP
  • 24,500 Points (XP)
  • 1 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Don't start what you can't finish! Of course you can start a level, but can you beat it?? Accomplish any Level

    100.00% (6.00)
  • You have demolished heaps of skeletons and have never been scared. Your troops whisper your name with honor. Kill 250 Skeletons.

    40.00% (205.00)
  • You can smell a bomb from 10 miles away, and you run to disarm it immediately. That’s just how crazy you are... Kill 45 Kamikazes.

    10.00% (821.00)
  • Look, up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a bat! Don't run, celebrate! Because you are seeking them out to kill even more, just for fun! Kill 450 Bats.

    20.00% (410.00)
  • You love Cannons, more than anything else in your whole life. Build 60 fully updated cannons.

    10.00% (821.00)
  • These golden circles bring you the greatest joy in life! Collect 200 money bonuses.

    20.00% (410.00)
  • Money, money, money, I got love in my tummy, and I feel like lovin’...More!! Collect $1,000,000.

    10.00% (821.00)
  • Killing zombies is not only your duty, it’s also fun!! Kill 350 Zombies and 350 Hell zombies.

    20.00% (410.00)
  • You adrenaline junkie! You just can't wait to beat 150 waves in Survival Mode on any level. Yeah, good luck with that... Beat 150 waves in Survival Mode on any level.

    10.00% (821.00)
  • But Mutant terror and the War had changed your plans - you became a soldier. Your dream transformed to a passion - a passion to liberate amusement parks and circuses. Pass ZombiOZ level on Hard, 1000 life points should remain.

    10.00% (821.00)
  • Congratulations Private! Now get the lead out!! You think this is a Tea Party?!?! Earn 20 points to get this rank.

    100.00% (6.00)
  • The squad is under your command, at long last. Command your troops, and return victorious! Earn 100 points to get this rank.

    20.00% (410.00)
  • Well done! You're no longer Bottom of the Food Chain! You think that makes you safe from the sharks?? Earn 50 points to get this rank.

    50.00% (164.00)
  • Excellent! Your platoon is waiting for you, Lieutenant! You're well on your way to becoming a Captain! Just a few more victories... Earn 200 points to get this rank.

    20.00% (410.00)