Beaten the Heart Chomper.
Beaten Dr. Brundle Stockman.
Beaten the Taped Chomper.
R.I.P. Living Statue.
Beaten the Mole Man.
Beaten a higher class Mole Man.
Visited the shop for the first time.
Beaten Smiley.
Beaten the sexual tyrannosaurus.
Beaten Willy's Dragon.
Visited the Sewer. Hopefully for the first time.
Visited Planet Y for the first time.
Visited the Ocean Rift for the first time.
Visited a digestive tract for the first time.
Visited the dry, dry desert for the first time. Did I say dry? I meant hot.
What a wily old evil geezer!
Visited the jungle river cruise for the first time.
Beaten all of the Snake Squadron.
Beaten the lava soaking Abubu.
Dipped your toes? Did you keep them all?
Started your first run through the Asteroid Field.
Home of the annual Jackal Jamboree!
Hello kiddies!
The sound of maniacal laughter echoes in your speakers.
You've found and beaten the Hydra!
"I got a Gold Star"!
Great work, but try harder!
"Delivering perfection".
"It's on time, or it's on us"!
"Customer Service is our business"!
Wally's got to skim a little off of the top.
Taxes? What are those?
Wally has come to collect!
The Pooch has picked up a new skill!
Do I own this thing yet?
It looks like you found a way to blow off some steam.
Completed the Research Log on behalf of Looney Wally. It's time for a pizza party!!
Played the long game in the fight with Gorgonzilla.
You made short work of that fight with the Gorgonzilla.
Too much overtime may result in termination.
So you paid the multi-trillion dollar corporation to become certified to work for them. That was a smart move.
Had the experience of outrunning an avalanche. It may not serve as well as sales experience, but it may look good on a resume.