• 60,249 Trophies Earned
  • 6,549 Players Tracked
  • 29 Total Trophies
  • 10,294 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,260 Points
  • 337 Platinum Club
  • 336 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Ultimate Trophy Collector

    5.13% (1357.00)
  • Awarded for your first win.

    95.40% (3.00)
  • Awarded for winning 10 consecutive matches.

    52.95% (131.00)
  • A title awarded when you come from behind and win.

    71.60% (97.00)
  • A title awarded when you score the winning goal in extra time.

    53.73% (130.00)
  • Awarded for playing at all the stadiums.

    20.52% (339.00)
  • Awarded for an average foul rate of less than 1 per match in your 10 most recent matches.

    32.39% (215.00)
  • Awarded for achieving a possession rate of 60% or higher in your 10 most recent matches.

    16.98% (410.00)
  • Awarded for scoring 5 hat-tricks.

    51.79% (134.00)
  • Awarded for playing 20 matches, scoring in recent 5, averaging 2 goals per match.

    57.95% (120.00)
  • A title awarded when you score 5 direct free-kicks.

    14.80% (470.00)
  • A title awarded when you score from 35m or more.

    21.39% (325.00)
  • A title awarded for winning one of the top leagues in [Master League]

    37.76% (184.00)
  • A title awarded for making the Knockout Stage of the UEFA Champions League in [Master League] .

    41.23% (169.00)
  • A title awarded when you win the Master League UEFA Champions League.

    35.99% (193.00)
  • Awarded for winning the Konami Cup in Master League.

    32.59% (214.00)
  • Awarded for an undefeated season in Master League winning League, Cup and UEFA Champions League.

    12.95% (537.00)
  • Awarded for topping the Club Ranking in Master League.

    30.42% (229.00)
  • Awarded if a member of your team wins the European Footballer of the Year in Master League.

    31.03% (224.00)
  • A title to honour 10 years of service in Master League.

    11.15% (624.00)
  • A title awarded when you make your Become a Legend pro debut.

    39.91% (174.00)
  • A title awarded when you play in the Become a Legend International Cup.

    21.38% (326.00)
  • A title awarded when you receive the Become a Legend International Cup Player of the Tournament.

    13.77% (505.00)
  • A title awarded when you have played for 10 clubs in total in 4 countries in Become a Legend.

    9.05% (769.00)
  • Won both World Footballer of the Year and European Footballer of the Year titles in Become a Legend.

    9.79% (711.00)
  • Awarded when you have 5 successive Ranking Match wins in the Online.

    13.61% (511.00)
  • Awarded when you achieve a win ratio of above 75% in Last 20 results of Online.

    8.41% (828.00)
  • A title awarded for making the Knockout Stage of the UEFA Champions League.

    38.46% (181.00)
  • A title awarded when you win the UEFA Champions League.

    37.84% (184.00)